Thursday, April 19, 2007

He was in stitches today and I don't mean laughter.

This pictures pretty much sums up our afternoon.

Things were going well in the morning when the kids were in pre-school. After school, everything changed.

We came home to find millions of termite swarming in the garage. After a quick panicked call to my dad, I got off the phone to hear Noah yelling that Camden was hurt. No biggie, someone is always hurt. Noah's voice changed and just like with the broken arm I knew something was very wrong.

Camden was lying face down on the carpet and when I picked him up he had blood all over his face. I applied pressure and then looked. I have never seen a cut that requires stitches before, but I knew instantly that this one did. I couldn't get the bleeding to stop so 2 minutes after my last phone call to my dad, I was calling him back. How do I get to the hospital while holding Camden and applying pressure? The good Lord had the answer. The bleeding stopped the entire way to the hospital.

After explaining to the E.R. check-in nurse, that just last week I finished paying off our last visit and would have appreciated a little more time before the next one, we were in an exam room.

Before I describe what happens next, I want to say that Camden is a very tough, brave little boy. Camden was strapped to a body board to immobilize him. The only thing he could move was his head and and E.R. Doc. had that pretty well immobile as well. The Doctor then shot him in the wound with numbing medicine and put in four stitches. Two stitches were put through skin that wasn't numbed. Why do I tell you this? Camden never screamed or tried to get out of his situation, he did whimper and was uncomfortable. He responded better to this situation then he does to a typical time-out. He is tough as nails.

Camden and Noah are eating a star ice-cream from Dairy Queen, which always makes any E.R. visit better. Until next time...


Phat Girl said...

Holy Cow! Camden is a strong child. I'm 33 & I would still need to be immobilized from head to toe. I can not believe he was very good! Sorry about your new hospital bill! said...

poor baby! Rough year for you all. I hope it gets better!

I am Heather...creator of all things crafty! said...

Poor little guy. Doesn't look too happy. We have already done the stitches thing twice with Luke so I know what ya'll are going through. Hang in there, it's gotta get better. By the way, the hospital will work with you as long as they know you're making an effort to pay. Can't get blood out of a turnip, huh.

Anonymous said...

Bless everyone's heart. What a week! Hope it's all uphill from here for ya'all.

Amber said...

Oh No! I hate to see that. Camden does sound like a very big brave boy!! Way to go Big GUY!! We have not experienced that- maybe we won't!! I don't even want to think about it.....Beau is a pretty good size wimp....