Monday, November 06, 2006

Monday morning news

Noah is on his way to recovery. He still has a lingering cough that will go away with time.

Camden, I am happy to say has been fever free since Saturday. However, his sinuses are very congested and now he has the nasty cough. He feels pretty yucky as evidenced by his lack of eating and not torturing his brother. He would rather lay on the couch or look at a book.

I had an ultrasound this morning and am waiting for the doctor to call with the results.

Not much else to report here. We are happy for the rain we had last night and this morning. I am also looking forward to getting out this evening and being with other adults at book club. I need some "me" time.


I am Heather...creator of all things crafty! said...

So glad to hear the Henson's are on the mend. Keep us posted on the ultrasound results.

Anonymous said...

Prayers from Hawaii for all to be well soon. And for strength as parents to get through it all. And prayers for ultrasound to find out what is what with pain. Sorry you are having to go through that,Sharon. Much love from Tutu and Ross - see you all soon.

Phat Girl said...

I had a good time at Book Club!