Monday, April 02, 2007

4 kids sleeping, cookies baking... I'm blogging!

Whew! Adding 2 more children to your family on a daily basis several times a week can prove challenging sometimes. Last week, I took them to a gymnastics place that had an open gym. The boys and the baby loved it. The baby just watched everything that was going on and completely wore herself out. Then it was off to a park to eat lunch and walk along the paths. It wss difficult to push a stroller, feed a baby and make sure that one of the older three did not fall into the stream. Thank goodness for good friends who helped me watch the older three.

Today, I ventured to Wal-Mart with all four to buy flowers and soil for the flower beds. There were two rules... 1. No running and 2. We all stay together. So O.K., in the end we all ended up some where in the HUGE garden department. That counts doesn't it? I didn't lose anyone and the boys only picked the flowers off of at least 77 flower pots. Sorry Mr. Wal-Mart man!

We came home and while the baby napped, we planted the flowers and collected hundreds of doodle bugs. Some of which we will share with the other set of kids grandma. She will be so thrilled!

They are all sleeping right now, which is no small feat. They have been so good today, so when they wake up chocolate chip cookies will be waiting for them.

Hope your day is super!


Phat Girl said...

WOW, You are now officially "SuperMom".....Congrats on your new Title!

I am Heather...creator of all things crafty! said...

Well it's good to see someone had a similiar day as mine today.

Anonymous said...

WOW, how did you do that? I am lucky to get two of my four down. And a trip to Wal-Mart--I am totally impressed--you are braver than me, by far!!