Monday, July 31, 2006

Riding a bicycle

Noah has expressed an interest in having his training wheels taken off of his bicycle. I have no doubt that with a little bit of patience (on our part) and lots of practice, he will be riding a bike solo very soon.

I don't remember riding a bike solo at the age of 4. At what age do you remember riding a bike by yourself (minus training wheels)? Does anyone remember any tricks to learning this monumental task?

4 comments: said...

I think I would loose the bike riding...I did not ride until 4th grade so I would have been 9. All I remember is that once I got confidence, I could do it.

Anonymous said...

I think I was 5 or 6 when I got mine off on a bike that was huge on me. He's a dare devil he can do it!!!


Brooke said...

I think I was 7. Go Noah!

Anonymous said...

I was at least 7. A girlfriend had a new bike and my twin and I, and brother, all learned on it going down a slight hill. The challenge (other than learning to ride the darn thing) was going thru a dirt alley with cracked, caved in curbs. But we managed. No training wheels for us. We didn't even know what those things were! Sharon (Tutu) Leilani