Monday, December 04, 2006

Thanksgiving, cross-dressing & that Christmas feeling

Yes, we are still here. Just a little bit busy this time of year.

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving. We drove to East Texas and spent three days at Duane and Peggy's lake house. The kids had a blast. Camden alternated between sitting on the tractor or going for a ride on the four wheeler. Noah equally enjoyed both of those but also had lots of fun with a "treasure finder" a.k.a. metal dectector. He just thought he was in high cotton when he found pencils and metal and all kinds of cool stuff buried in the dirt. Gracie went along for the ride this year. That is a blog in itself. Gracie and car riding don't go together very well. She HAS to sit in the front seat and that just wasn't happening this time. She managed to stuff herself between the kids carseats with her hiney sitting on the back seat, her front feet sitting on the floor of the back seat and her head up between Brian and I in the front seat. Once we got out of the car she had just as much fun as the kids exploring all the smells of wild animals in the country.

About the cross-dressing, this is what I found when I stepped out of the shower yesterday:

Camden, just loves to wear everyone's shoes. He just added a little sequin handbag to the ensemble yesterday!

I have been very busy volunteering at church and loving it! Last friday night, the culmination of lots of prayer and hard work came together when we launched the first ever Kid's Korner at Dickensfest. It was a huge success with so many people from the community coming into the church and participating. Now that it is behind me, I am starting to get ready for Christmas.

Noah has been asking to put the Christmas decorations up for about a week. I explained that it would be about a week before we could get to it. Well, one day last week I got out 2 decorations and he was just so excited. That night he asked is he could talk to god. So, he began praying and this is what he said:

"Thank you God that mommy found 2 Christmas decorations, please help her find the rest of them soon. Amen"

That night Brian and I got the decorations out of the attic and we were startled to see that we had just shoved the tree intact up into the attic. So, we pulled it down and put it in the living room. The next morining when Noah woke up he walked into the living room and said "Unbelievable!" His prayer had been answered.

Brian's mom and Ross are here visiting this week. It is always wonderful to spend time them.


Anonymous said...

wonderful pictures

Brooke said...

That is hilarious!
Looks like you all had a great time!