Just took the kids and a dog out for a walk around the block and was followed. A man pulled up and stopped right beside us and just looked. I looked back and kept walking. He then drove very slowly beside us and stopped again. At this point I was starting to panic! I kept walking, we were only two house from ours but I did not want him to know where I lived. As I got to my neighbors house and she just happens to come out to check the mail, he drove off up the street and stopped again. He finally turned down the alley. I put the boys in the house and the neighbor drove down the alley to see if she could find the car. NO CAR! Never seen the man or car before in our neighborhood.
What has happened to our society that we can't even go for a walk around our block without being scared.
P.S. ... after I finished writing this blog, I walked in the living room to find that Gracie had been tied up like she was in bondage with her leash and harness and the boys had been playing with electrical appliances. So.... off to time-out. Isn't it a great mug shot, unfortunately only one looks guilty.
You might outta report that to the police so they can step up patrols in your neighborhood and to get people to pay attn. to their surroundings. Who know's your tip could help stop someone else from being harmed. I would definitely make a report with Plano PD. That's just me. Remember my old apt. and my report regarding "suspicious guys" that were peering into my apt. from across the balcony in the other building. Turned out they were the mail room rapists....You NEVER KNOW!
Oh my goodness! I agree with Heather. Please report it! I am so not trusting of the public. We simply never know if they are up too something bad....a few weeks back, some guys kept knocking on my door asking to come in, saying they were new neighbors who were wanting to get to know everyone who lived in their building. I called the police very quickly. Be safe.
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